The Texas Society of Pathologists is active year-round monitoring important legislative and economic issues that impact our members. The Economic Affairs Committee and the Legislative Council are action-based and results driven to support positive outcomes for pathologists across the state. TSP leadership maintains active communication with the TSP’s lobbyist on important issues and maintains a presence within various Texas Medical Association committees for additional advocacy support.  Additionally, relationships with national organizations, such as the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) serve as invaluable resources to the TSP on numerous legislative and economic focuses throughout the year.

The TSP needs your support to continue impacting positive change for our members and for the profession of pathology! 

Not sure of who your representatives are? These sites will assist you!

Texas House of Representatives

United States House of Representatives


Advocacy is Important!

Join your TSP Members and spend the morning at the Texas State Capitol visiting with State Legislators on bills that affect Pathologists.

The day will start at the Texas Medical Association building followed by TSP Members gathering together before heading to the capitol. Michael Grimes, TSP Lobbyist, will lead the way and guide the group to legislator appointments, potential meet and greets with your legislators and a house or senate gallery viewing. You will also be able to participate in your county medical schedule. 

Legislative Dinner on Monday, March 3rd. "Advocacy 101" presented by the TSP Advocacy Team. This presentation fulfills one hour of ethics professional responsibility required to Texas licensure.
ACL Steaks
1205 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78703 - SAVE YOUR SEAT!